Individual therapy

WeBloom offers compassionate and specialist quality psychological therapy to both adults and adolescents with particular experience working with the effects of anxiety, trauma, relational and emotional difficulties, bereavement, stress, anxiety, depression and burnout among others.

Therapy provides a safe, confidential and non-judgmental space to to process psychological, emotional and relational difficulties in order to ultimately shift the impact of these in your life and rewire more healthy narratives and responses in the present.

People come to therapy for many reasons, perhaps you might be struggling with some of these:

  • Experiencing difficult, upsetting or painful thoughts, feelings, beliefs and behaviours

  • Difficulty coping with life transitions like marriage or parenthood

  • Relationship breakdown

  • Worry, anxiety and fear

  • Loneliness and isolation, experiencing distance or conflict with family or friends.

  • Low mood, emptiness, or meaninglessness.

  • Experiencing the effects of trauma.

  • Feeling disconnected from feelings

  • Feelings of shame or low self esteem

  • Loss, bereavement or fertility struggles

  • Burnout

Seminars and Workshops

WeBloom offers seminars/workshops on Developing Emotional Resiliency in Childhood.

The potential for flourishing lies in all our children. Emotional resilience is not something they either have or don’t have, but skills that are developed as they grow.

Our children will face challenges along the way – we can't change that. What we can do is give them the skills to help them find their way as best they can through these challenges. This is called building their resilience.

This seminar take a closer look at what resilience really is, the importance of our relationship with our children for building it, and practical strategies on how to strengthen resilience in them.

Courses Starting 2024

WeBloom Parenthood is a psychological (mental, emotional and relational health) preparation for parenthood course, aimed at preparing and equipping first-time expectant parents who are transitioning into parenthood.

The transition to becoming a mother is greater than any other developmental change across the lifespan.  It is a time of huge transformation in a women’s identity in so many aspects of her life, and yet often gets little attention in her antenatal preparation.

There are so many books, courses and groups preparing for the changes on practical levels but less on this huge mental and emotional shift to becoming a parent.  At WeBloom we recognise this real vulnerability in the lives of new parents  and are developing a course that helps to prepare parents for the heart and mind transition for parenthood. Our hope is to build confidence and strengthen families by providing understanding, skills and compassionate preparation for the changes ahead. 

We are now running a number of free in-person pilot groups of the first 2 sessions of this course in our Sevenoaks Branch, and are seeking  first time mothers who are in  their last trimester of pregnancy or the early postpartum period (baby less than 5 months).  We are open to a group of mums who know each other or any individual new mums/mums-to-be.  We truly believe it will enrich your motherhood journey.